Proportion of growth in women students enrolled in environmental engineering since 2018


Women engineering faculty across Ontario in 2019


Engineering degrees awarded in 2019 to Women


Newly licensed engineers who are women across Ontario in 2020




It was really fun and I met new people, there was lots of team building.

UOIT Go ENG Girl Participant

Ontario Network of Women in Engineering

UOIT Go ENG Girl Participant

It was really fun and I met new people, there was lots of team building.

I now think that engineers use their resources, problem solving skills, and their knowledge to build solutions for problems

University of Waterloo Go ENG Girl participant

Ontario Network of Women in Engineering

University of Waterloo Go ENG Girl participant

I now think that engineers use their resources, problem solving skills, and their knowledge to build solutions for problems

I believe that the events are amazing. I felt the panel of people that were invited are very open and informative. I also felt that the moderator  was very sincere and her willingness to help us and provide as much of information to help us in order for our child to succeed was amazing!!! The building of the tower with the other parents is very simple project but we realized that reality of how we actually work together in the "real" world (80% of negotiation and 20% of work)

York University Go Eng Girl Parent Attendee

Ontario Network of Women in Engineering

York University Go Eng Girl Parent Attendee

I believe that the events are amazing. I felt the panel of people that were invited are very open and informative. I also felt that the moderator  was very sincere and her willingness to help us and provide as much of information to help us in order for our child to succeed was amazing!!! The building of the tower with the other parents is very simple project but we realized that reality of how we actually work together in the "real" world (80% of negotiation and 20% of work)

I see that engineers play big part in everything in the world

York University Go ENG Girl Participant

Ontario Network of Women in Engineering

York University Go ENG Girl Participant

I see that engineers play big part in everything in the world

Engineers help people out, solving problems through a thoughtful process, and they're very creative with what they come out with

University of Toronto Go ENG Girl Participant

Ontario Network of Women in Engineering

University of Toronto Go ENG Girl Participant

Engineers help people out, solving problems through a thoughtful process, and they're very creative with what they come out with

This is the third time my daughter attended Go Eng Girl. After the second time, she decided that she wants to go into Engineering, mainly for the problem-solving aspects.  This event is a tremendous success from my point of view.

University of Waterloo Go ENG Girl Parent Attendee

Ontario Network of Women in Engineering

University of Waterloo Go ENG Girl Parent Attendee

This is the third time my daughter attended Go Eng Girl. After the second time, she decided that she wants to go into Engineering, mainly for the problem-solving aspects.  This event is a tremendous success from my point of view.

I really enjoyed the experience. Please thank all the students who participated and shared their story, it was wonderful to hear that such young people are actively sharing.

University of Toronto Go ENG Girl Parent Attendee

Ontario Network of Women in Engineering

University of Toronto Go ENG Girl Parent Attendee

I really enjoyed the experience. Please thank all the students who participated and shared their story, it was wonderful to hear that such young people are actively sharing.
Ontario Network of Women in Engineering