Go PHYS Girl provides an exciting, hands-on opportunity for girls in grades 7-11 across Canada to learn about the wonderful world of physics all around us. Aimed at encouraging young women and non-binary students to enroll in physics classes in high school, Go PHYS Girl demystifies the world of physics and encourages participants to discover the opportunities physics unlocks.
Locations and registration information will be updated throughout the school year! Please check back frequently dates and locations as they are confirmed.
University of Calgary
Carleton University
University of Guelph
University of Manitoba
McMaster University – May 29th, 2025 (Registration coming soon)
Memorial University
University of Northern British Colombia – March 1st, 2025
Ontario Tech University
University of Ottawa
Toronto Metropolitan University
Simon Fraser University
University of Victoria
University of Waterloo
Western University (London)
University of Windsor
York University(Lassonde School of Engineering)
Questions? Contact waldrone@mcmaster.ca