Name: Stephanie Robillard
Program: Geological Engineering
University(s) / College(s) Attended: Queens University
Education / Degree(s): B.ScE, BA, M.A.Sc.
Current Job Title: Senior Project Engineer
Current Employer: McMillen Jacobs Associates
Email: Send Email
Fun Facts About Me
Share one fun fact about yourself: When i was a child I wanted to be a writer or a teacher. In addition to my engineering degree, i did a second degree in Literature. This helped me feel balanced, and I got to work on my reading/writing skills.
The most inspiring engineer I know is ....... Because ........ ?: One of my professor's at Queen's. He is really talented/bright, but more so, he has so much infectious passion for what we does. He inspired me to pursue a career in tunneling.
Profile Questions
Why did you choose to study engineering?: Engineering felt like a concrete way to apply math and science. It has real benefit to the society. We build things that make modern life possible.
What are your best memories of your engineering education?: I have great memories of geology field trips and field schools. Spending 2 weeks hiking around the bush looking for rock outcrops meant making lifelong friendships. My classmates have ended up all over the globe but we share the connection from our time at school.
How do you apply your engineering degree to your current career?: In addition to the fundamental theories that play a part of every design I work on, my degree taught me how to critically assess a problem and work toward a solution. It taught me how to research, how to work with my peers, and how to admit when I need some help.
What do you love most about your career?: As a tunnel engineer, I love participating in large infrastructure projects that will serve society for decades to come. I take the basic theory I know about rocks and soil, and apply it in a way that means subways, water pipelines, hydropower projects, mining are possible.
What advice would you give to someone hoping to pursue a career in engineering?: Engineering has SO many opportunities and a career in engineering can take any form imaginable. Think about the industries that get you most excited and then figure out what type of engineering will get you there. Also, don't worry if you don't know what you want to do yet- you'll figure it out along the way.